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Navigation Redesign
My Role
July 2021, September 2021
Product Designer
Two of Orion’s trading software were in need of more menu items than the space allowed for the current design.
Investors at Orion
Product manager and lead dev
Restructure and redesign the trading software’s navigation.
Current Designs
I first reviewed the current designs for the top navigation bar and left sidebar menu of both trading software.

Trading Software 1
Card sorting
I separated each page onto a note, tagged each note with what trading items it primarily affected, then tried different groupings of the cards to find a combination that made the most sense.

Based off the card sorting, I created three sitemaps, one for each of the three user roles.
Basing my design off the components that had been created for our design system, I designed a new top navigation bar and leftside menu that worked for the trading software I was designing.
Trading Software 2
After doing a similar reasearch process as I had done for the first software, I updated the top navigation bar and leftside menu I had created to work with the second trading software.
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